Sharra Vostral
Recent Media & Interviews
I have been interviewed on a variety of media platforms about the science of menstruation, menstrual health, and menstrual technologies. For a full selection of my interviews please go to technology loves gender.

Multiple toxic shock syndrome cases catch doctor's attention in WI

The Tampon Industry Will Overflow With Options To Meet the Diverse Needs of Menstruators

Journée mondiale de l'hygiène menstruelle : remèdes, linges et tampons... Comment les femmes ont géré leurs règles au cours des siècles

The connection between mental clutter and mental health

Day Twenty-Six: The Shock

How women have managed periods throughout history

What to Know About PFAS in Period Underwear

5 things you may not know about tampons — the latest product facing a shortage

How shaming women for periods leads to plastic pollution