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Sharra Vostral

Recent Course Offerings
​I have taught a variety of courses in the departments of Science & Technology Studies, History, Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and American Studies, that focus upon gender, technology, medicine, and health. I like to use material culture as a basis to explore cultures, politics, power, and identity.
“Periods and the Menstrualscape: Menstrual Products and Menstrual Manifestations in Scotland, 1870-2020.” In The Politics and History of Menstruation: Contextualising the Scottish Campaign to End Period Poverty, eds. Bettina Bildhauer, Camilla Rostvik, Sharra Vostral, Open Library of Humanities 8.2 (2022). doi:
"Introduction: The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 in the Context of Menstrual Politics and History,” with Bettina Bildhauer and Camilla Mørk Røstvik. In The Politics and History of Menstruation: Contextualising the Scottish Campaign to End Period Poverty, eds. Bettina Bildhauer, Camilla Rostvik, Sharra Vostral, Open Library of Humanities, 8.2 (2022).. doi:​
“Briefing Paper: Assessing the Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Act 2021 as Model Menstruation Legislation,” with Bettina Bildhauer and Camilla Mørk Røstvik. In The Politics and History of Menstruation: Contextualising the Scottish Campaign to End Period Poverty, eds. Bettina Bildhauer, Camilla Rostvik, Sharra Vostral, Open Library of Humanities 8.2 (2022).
“Of Mice and (Wo)Men: Tampons, Materials, and Testing,” in The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Menstrual Studies, Chris Bobel, ed. London: Palgrave (March 2020). DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0614-7_50
“Archive as Laboratory: Engaging STEM Students & STEM Collections,” with Tracy Grimm, Engineering Studies 11.2 (2019): 135-152.
"Toxic Shock Syndrome, Tampon Absorbency, and Feminist Science," Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 3.1 (2017): 1-30.
"Toxic Shock Syndrome, Tampons and Laboratory Standard-Setting,” Canadian Medical Association Journal 189.20 (May 23, 2017): E726-E728. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.161479

“Rely and Toxic Shock Syndrome: A Technological Health Crisis,” Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine 84.4 (December 2011): 447-459.

"‘Selling’ Women: Lillian Gilbreth, Gender Translation, and Intellectual Property,” with Rayvon Fouché, “Journal of Gender, Social Policy and the Law 19.3 (2011): 825-850.

“Advice to Adolescents: Menstrual Health and Menstrual Education Films, 1946-1982,” in Gender, Health and Popular Culture: Historical Perspectives, Cheryl Warsh, ed. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier Press (2011).

“Period Piece” and “Period: The End of Menstruation?” Films for the Feminist Classroom, Signs 2.2 (Fall 2010).

“How to Add Feminist Approaches into Design Courses,” with Deana McDonagh, in Design Principles & Practices: An International Journal 4.4 (2010): 113-127.

“A Feminist Inventor’s Studio,” with Deana McDonagh, in Feminist Technology, Linda L. Layne, Sharra Vostral and Kate Boyer, eds. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2010.

“Tampons: Re-Scripting Technologies as Feminist,” in Feminist Technology, Linda L. Layne, Sharra Vostral and Kate Boyer, eds. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2010.
HIST 303 Food in Modern America
HIST 313 Medical Devices & Innovation
HIST 314 STEM & Gender
HIST 315 American Beauty
HIST 495 Material Culture
HIST 651 Historical Readings; Science, Technology & Society

Ph.D. History. Washington University in St. Louis, 2000.
M.A. History. Washington University in St. Louis, 1994.
M.A. American Studies. St. Louis University, 1992.
B.A. Comparative Religion (with honors). University of Michigan Ann Arbor, 1990.
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